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Updating/contributing to the public/private docs

If you are looking to update this docs site or the public docs, follow the guide below. I'll get the basic requirements out of the way first.


  • Patience, a whole lot of it. Nothing here is inherantly difficult, just navigating markdown pages that are tens of thousands of words long can be annoying. Get yourself some good VSCode plugins and whatnot.
  • A GitHub account. You can use your Microsoft account if you need.
  • Git
  • Python - Latest possible, requirements for MKDocs are updated often.
  • A good way of using Python is by allowing it to be set in your PATH, that way you can use it in Windows Terminal.


  1. MKDocs - All you need to do is install it by doing pip install mkdocs!
  2. MKDocs - Same as above, install by doing pip install mkdocs-material.
  3. Extra dependancies for using the live dev server (so you can view your changes) or building production ready copies:
    • glightbox (if you have a good understanding, remove this dependancy in the future if not using it actively for images, if not ignore this cry for help) - install by doing pip install mkdocs-glightbox
    • git-revision-date-localized-plugin - install it by doing pip install mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin or pip3 install mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin. By default pip3 should be aliased to pip so the former should work, but just in case it doesn't.
  4. Fork the docs repo you wish to make changes to, make edits on your own repo then make a pull request to get your changes put on the main repo (or just commit it if you have organization permissions).
  5. Ask one of the ozfortress organisation owners to merge it (if you can't yourself).